Provider Insurance Compliance Report
Running an insurance compliance report is an efficient way to identify if providers meet the compliance requirements based on what insurance policies have been added to their profile. The policies may vary depending on the customer's requirements. Uploading current insurance documents will ensure that the Provider will remain active and compliant, which is essential in submitting invoices and being assigned to work orders.
To create a Provider Insurance Compliance Report, navigate to the "Reports" grid and select "Create." On the Report Configuration screen, do the following:
Data Source, select "Providers."
Linked Data Sources, select "Insurance Policies"
For Columns, users can select more or less than what's included in the screenshot below. Hit "Run Report" to display the information.
After generating the report, the user can either choose to "Export" (without saving the actual report) or "Save” the report for future use. Lastly, rename the report by double-clicking on the report name.
Adding Filters
Users can add filters to narrow down the report. In this sample, the user added the filter "Provider status Equal to Active". To do this, click on "Add Filter", and "New Filter" will pop up and set up the filter as shown below, then hit "OK".
Another useful filter is "ProvidersCompliant Equal To True". This will pull records for compliant Providers.