When dealing with a large amount of store information, creating a store report can be a challenging task. However, organizing the data in a clear and easy-to-read format can make a big difference. To help with this, here are a few store reports that can be used as a guide.
Select Store as the “Data Source”, and then add the following under “Columns”, Store ID, Store Name, Store Identifier, Store Number, Store Address1, Store City, Store State, Store Country, Store Postal Code, Store District and Store Region, and then hit "Run Report" to get similar data on the photo below.
To customize the report based on personal preferences, the user has the option to add or remove columns. For instance, in the recent example, the user added Store Client, Brand, and Asset details. To achieve this, the user must include Linked Data Sources such as Client, Brand, and Asset. The next step is to add columns like Client Billing Company, Store Brand, and Asset Name under the "Columns" and then run the report.
In the last sample, the user simplifies the report by removing some unnecessary columns. Specifically, the user removed the Store District and Store Region columns, ran the report, and saved all the changes made.