Lists are now split into two types, the good old fashioned - Personal Lists and Shared Lists. All currently existing lists are Personal, and only the user who created these said lists can access them. A Shared List can be viewed by ALL of the users within the permission group assigned to the Shared List such as Vendor, Facility Manager, Admin, etc.
In order to view Shared Lists, even by their Creator, a New Adjunct Permission must be activated. (This is applied to Admin users by default).
Shared Lists can be Created, Edited and Deleted, all under the List Management tab Admin>List Management.
Shared lists can only be edited, created or deleted only If a user accesses the shared list directly from the navigational bar and then can only make changes to the Shared List if they are part of the selected Permission Group. So, for example, even if a user has Facility Manager privileges, but they are not a Store Manager in a Shared list created explicitly for the Store Managers Group, they cannot edit or delete the said shared list.
The iconography for Shared Lists has also changed to accommodate the ideals behind this update. If you have a shared list under a specific Category, such as Invoices, you will see an icon representing a group of people.
Editing the Shared List is simple. Click on the pencil in the upper-right-hand corner.
You can then choose from the filters your narrow-down options - such as Emergencies in priorities in the Work Orders List.
After you save the filter, you will see only the selected options on your grid.
Shared Lists can also be duplicated, and any edits you make to the original list will copy over.
If you attempt to edit or delete a shared list as a non Admin User, you will not be able to save those changes. You will, however, be able to add filters to change the shared list for your view at the time; these updates simply won’t save to the original Shared List created by another person (Admin).
Notes on Shared Lists
** Shared Lists cannot be edited the same as personal lists, such as resizing columns, hiding columns, and re-arranging columns (which automatically edits the list and saves these changes for personal lists) will NOT save on shared lists.
**Any user with access to a shared list can duplicate it, which will copy all properties of the list (sorters, filters, etc.). The copy will be a personal list. Personal lists themselves can also be duplicated in this way, which is new functionality. Duplicating a list adds 'Duplicate' to the title. If a shared list is duplicated in List Management under the Administration menu, the duplicated list will be shared as well.
**Shared lists can be active or inactive. Inactive lists cannot be viewed by their users (they will not appear on the Navigational Bar). All personal lists are active by default, and there is currently no way to turn them inactive.
**When a shared list is viewed under the Navigational Bar, they have the same behavior as a personal list such as mass manage, export to spreadsheet, etc.