To add Assets, you must first create Asset Templates. You must have Admin permissions to create the templates.
Step 1: Select Administration and Asset Templates.
Step 2: Select the tag in the top right-hand corner.
Step 3: Enter a name for the Asset Template and click the toggle to activate the template.
Step 4: Use the drop down to select specific categories relating to the Template Name or leave it blank. If left blank the assets will show up for all categories on work order creation. If you select categories, it will apply to those categories you have selected on the Work Order Creation.
Step 5: If you want to add Asset Template Images, select "Browse...". Once you have completed the form, select "OK".
Once you have created the Template, you will notice it is not on the Asset Template page, but is on the Assets page.
You must create an Asset Template Attribute for the Template you've created to appear on this screen. To do this stay on the Asset Template page and select the + in the top right-hand corner.
The Attribute can be Serial Numbers for units, Filter Size, Brand of Product, etc.
Use the drop down to select one of the templates you have created.
Next, select the type.
The "Text" will be a text box and in this case, for you to type in the serial number.
The "Toggle" will give you a toggle to turn on.
The "Date" allows you to enter a date.
The "Number" will have a text box for numbers only.
Once you have chose an option for each field, select SAVE.
Now that you have created Templates and Attributes, go to the Assets Page.
Step 1: Select the + to create an Asset.
Step 2: Type in a name for the Asset. (i.e. HVAC Unit name, the Brand of the door, the type of Toilet, etc.)
Step 3: Select an Asset Template from the templates you have created.
Step 4: Select the facility where this Asset is located.
Once you have entered all the required information, select SAVE.
You can now add Assets to existing work orders or add them in during the creation.