The Year Over Year Analysis features a line graph, which breaks down total spend - based on invoice approved dates. This report can be used to track month to month spend with built-in outlier detection. Accompanying this graph is a Year-Over-Year Variance Analysis, which can be used to quickly track the spend variance from the same month last year. These reports can be filtered by assignment and work order level filters by category, class, and priority, as well as by facility, brand, and vendor.
Spend and Work Orders features three new reports. Average Spend per Work Order provides your average spend based on work order created date with a Year Over Year Variance Indicator. Total Spend by Workorder indicates your total spend based on work order created date with the same variance indicator. Finally, there is a Work Order Vs. Spend graph which tracks total spend and total work order count by work order created date. Fexa wants these reports to empower users with the ability to analyze why there was an increase in spend but a decrease in work orders and avoid excess costs, or alternatively try to replicate the conditions that allowed for an increase in work orders but a decrease in spend.
Finally, we have a Custom Heat Map available for use. While the other two dashboards can be used to get a big picture view, the Custom Heat Map allows for a month to month breakdown of total spend based your favored KPI. With an array of assignment and work order level filters, and the ability to break down the report by several unique fields, it’s Fexa’s intent that this report can see use by any of our diverse clients for relevant and useful KPIs.