Business Requirements are much like Billing Requirements, except they are specific to the Assignment Level. Business requirements can be checked within the Work Order on the Assignments, or on the Assignments Grid.
The use case explained in this article is that photos are required prior to checking out.
Clicking on the Info Icon in either place will allow you to view what the Business Requirements are.
In this case, Before and After Photos are required for the requirements to be met. Uploading a photo before the work and after the work to the Files section on the work order will meet these requirements.
To Upload Documents
Step 1: Click on the Files tab and then the Upload Icon.
Step 2:Select Browse to view and select your documents, then select a File Type required for the Assignment.
Select the Attach To and choose the assignment to directly attach this file to. Descriptions are optional.
Click "Ok".
Once you have uploaded your files, save the assignment and the requirements should update.
To open the files, click on the icon in the top right hand corner of the document.
To Delete Documents, single-click on the document and select Delete.
Adding Business Requirements to Assignments
Step 1: Double-click on the assignment.
Step 2: Use the Business Requirements drop down to select a requirement.
Select Save.
If there are no Business Requirements, you will receive a "No requirements found on this assignment" message at the top of your screen.