Global Search Functionality
In the global search box at the top, users can filter the search results in order to narrow down more specific results.
- Work orders include the PO number in the result text
- Results are scrollable - Returning up to 100 results
- Vendor quotes are searchable, keywords: vendorquote, vendor quote, quote, vendorproposal, vendor proposal, proposal
- Client invoices are searchable, keywords: client invoice, clientinvoice
- Client quotes are searchable, keywords: clientquote, client quote
- Clients are searchable, keywords: client, company
- Programs are searchable, keywords: program, preventativemaintenance, preventative maintenance
- Asset (objects) are searchable, keywords: asset, object asset, objectasset, assetname, asset name
- Stores should be searched by name or identifier
Search Icon Guide
Wildcard Search Tips
Throughout Fexa, users have the ability to search information by using the % symbol as a wildcard key.
The wildcard key should surround the data so that piece of information becomes the MAIN source of the search.
- Example: %data%
Wildcard Use Cases
Searching for a location with only partial address information via List Creation:
- A technician is on the roof of a mall in Houston, TX and calls to report an issue with a piece of equipment that will require additional time to troubleshoot. The technician doesn't have the specific facility number, but can report that he is at Pitstop in Houston, TX.
- In order to find the specific facility and work order, I'll need to utilize the wildcard search.
- I navigate to the Assignments menu and create a new list. In the Client drop down, I select Pitstop. In the Facility City field, I type in Houston surrounded by the wildcard characters.
- I then filter the information to see each assignment for Pitstop in Houston and can locate that specific vendor's assignment so that further action can be taken.