A timesheet is essentially an invoice designed for technicians, which functions in a manner similar to a vendor invoice. This contains the same line item class that can be added by the user like a traditional vendor invoice. However, if the user selects "Labor" or "Travel" line item classes, they will have to add a Work Date.
Important: It should be noted that each technician assignment has only one timesheet associated with it. The user will get an error message if attempts to add an invoice through the Assignment hamburger icon.
Additionally, the user will get a "blank" Vendor Invoice Assignment drop-down if they try adding through the Proposals & Invoices.
How to access and approve Timesheets
Work Order- navigate to Work Orders grid > Proposals & Invoices (or Accounting) > Provider Invoices tab. This refers to the invoices associated with a Technician’s Work Order Assignment.
Time Entry grid - navigate to Time Entry grid > Time Sheets > Double-click a technician Timesheet to look at the line item details. From here, the user can edit the line items by simply double-clicking them without going back to the technician’s assigned Work Order.
Double-click the Line Item to update and then the side panel will appear.
Make sure to hit SAVE after making the necessary updates.
The user can also access the Proposals & Invoices (or Accounting) by clicking the linked Work Order.
Timesheets are reportable using the Fexa Reports tool. See below for a breakdown:
"Technician Timesheet Report"
Data Source: Invoice
Possible Linked Data Sources: Assignment, Store, Vendor
A timesheet is essentially an invoice designed for technicians, which functions in a manner similar to a vendor invoice. This contains the same line item class that can be added by the user like a traditional vendor invoice. However, if the user selects "Labor" or "Travel" line item classes, they will have to add a Work Date.
Important: It should be noted that each technician assignment has only one timesheet associated with it. The user will get an error message if attempts to add an invoice through the Assignment hamburger icon.
Additionally, the user will get a "blank" Vendor Invoice Assignment drop-down if they try adding through the Proposals & Invoices.
How to access and approve Timesheets
Work Order- navigate to Work Orders grid > Proposals & Invoices (or Accounting) > Provider Invoices tab. This refers to the invoices associated with a Technician’s Work Order Assignment.
Time Entry grid - navigate to Time Entry grid > Time Sheets > Double-click a technician Timesheet to look at the line item details. From here, the user can edit the line items by simply double-clicking them without going back to the technician’s assigned Work Order.
Double-click the Line Item to update and then the side panel will appear.
Make sure to hit SAVE after making the necessary updates.
The user can also access the Proposals & Invoices (or Accounting) by clicking the linked Work Order.
Timesheets are reportable using the Fexa Reports tool. See below for a breakdown:
"Technician Timesheet Report"
Data Source: Invoice
Possible Linked Data Sources: Assignment, Store, Vendor
Possible Columns:
Store Identifier
Assignment Created Date
Assignment Date Completed
Assignment Work Order ID
Provider Company
Assignment Invoice Reference Numbers
Subcontractor Invoice Labor Total
Subcontractor Invoice Material Total
Subcontractor Invoice Travel Total
Subcontractor Invoice Shipping Total
Subcontractor Invoice Other Total
Subcontractor Invoice Tax
Subcontractor Invoice Sub Total
Subcontractor Invoice Total
Assignment Status
Subcontractor Invoice Status
Another option is the work period Data Source:
"Work Period Report"
Data Source: Work Period
Linked Data Source: Provider
Provider Company
Work Period ID
Work Period Start Date
Work Period Sunday
Work Period Monday
Work Period Tuesday
Work Period Wednesday
Work Period Thursday
Work Period Friday
Work Period Saturday
Work Period Total Hours