There are a many ways to view Proposals and Invoices.
From any work order, select "Proposals & Invoices" (your specific site may say "Accounting").
From here, you can view the Client Invoices & Quotes and Vendor Proposals & Invoices.
To create a new invoice/proposal:
Select the + on the right-hand side and follow the steps for your selected creation.
To send this invoice/proposal in an email:
Select the Mail Icon.
To add by relationship, which will be a default email depending on your selection, use the drop down.
Select one of these options and select ADD.
Once you have selected your recipients, select SEND EMAIL.
To Print invoice/proposal:
Select the printer icon.
Select a Print Template and select Print Preview.
A new browser tab will appear with a preview of your selected record. Select the appropriate destination to print. Change the pages and layout to what you feel necessary.
Another way to view Proposals and Invoices is selecting the Invoices or Proposals tab from the menu. You can also use the drop down to create lists and view existing lists.
Both grids will look similar and have the same features, but will display different records.
Whether you are viewing the Proposals grid or the Invoices grid, you can double-click on any proposal/invoice to view in a new tab.
To view the Work Order this proposal/invoice is related to, double-click on the work order.
Simply click on any of the icons below within an invoice or proposal to Create a Line Item, Email, Print, Duplicate and Save.
Simply scroll past the line items to view, add, or delete documents associated with that proposal and/or invoice.