The Assignments Grid is located within the Work Order tab.
Note: The list icons match the grid they are linked to. The Assignments icon is the calendar with a check mark inside. The Work Order lists are wrenches.
Assignment Lists pictured below.
Work Order lists pictured below.
If there are multiple assignments on a Work Order, there will be multiple records displayed on the Assignments Grid.
Opening Assignments
When double-clicking on the Assignment you want to view, you are directed to the work order that the assignment is on.
There are hyperlinks to the Vendor and Store records on the grid. Click on the link to go straight to the record and select the back button to return to the Assignments Grid.
The Multiple-Sort Feature allows you to sort by 2 columns versus just one. Click on the two columns you want to sort by and you will notice an arrow on each of the columns you've selected. To undo one of the columns, simply double click on the column.
To add or remove columns, click on the arrow next to any of the columns, scroll over Columns, and select from the options. There is a scroll bar on the columns that allows you to scroll through the options, and so they all fit on the screen.
New Columns: Work Order Assignee
Creating a List
To Create a List on the Assignments Grid, click on the drop down on the Assignments Tab.
Click Create List.
Select the criteria you want filtered.
New Filters: Vendor Country, Vendor State/City, Scope, Business Requirements, Special Instructions, Facility City/State/Country, Visit Status, Visit Dates, Visit Status Type
Add a List Name, and select Save Filter.
Note: Lists are limited to export only 1000 rows.