As a review, Pricings (found unders Administration in the Navigational Menu) are created to set Unit Prices based on particular criteria for Either Client or Subcontrator Invoices. Some of the existing criteria for filtering pricings includes Line item types, product classification, work categories or priority, vendors performing the work, or mark ups for previously set product pricings.
Zones have been added to Client and Subcontractor Pricing Filters to facilitate the task of using automated pricing for multiple locations without requiring them to be managed by city or location specifically. This will allow users to create pricings with zones to add increases or decreases for any specific other filter such as category, product, location, etc.
Zones can also be found on the Pricings Grid and are sortable.
Once a zone has been added to the selected client or subcontractor pricing, the pricing can be applied to an invoice in a work order in the same zone. For example, if a Vendor User wants to add a trip charge to a North East Texas Zone Work order slightly higher than West Texas because the fuel is much higher in Dallas, Texas; they may want to apply a Trip Charge to the Vendor Invoice set up on the Subcontractor pricings in the North East Texas Zone.
Users will also find Zone is now a column on both the Client and Subcontractor Pricing Imports.