Users now have the ability to delete objects from grids for all tabs under the Administration > Defaults menus.
All Defaults Grids are included in this new feature:
- Default Assignment Billing Requirements
- Default Client Billing Requirements
- Default Client NTEs
- Default Distributor Parts
- Tax Defaults
- Default User Assignments
- Default Vendor Assignments
- Default Facility Responsibilities
- Default Vendor Billing Reqs
- Default Vendor NTEs
- Default Work Order Classes
- Default Work Order Priorities
Each of the grids will display a trash-can icon to the far right, which when clicked on, will prompt the user to delete the corresponding row. There is also a clickable box option to disable the prompt for future deletion updates within the same session.
After refreshing, the prompts will reappear until the box is selected again.
A user's ability to delete items from the default grids is permission driven.
Coming Soon: Look for a future release, where users will be able to mass delete through imports as well.