- Go to Invoice Bundles in the Fexa menu under Invoices

- Select the teal plus button in the upper right-hand corner. When the pop-up appears, complete the form and click Save.

- To add invoices to the bundle, open the invoice record(s) and select the Bundle Name from the "Bundle" field, and select "Save".
- Take care to leave the invoice in draft status during this process.
- Once the invoices have been added to the bundle, the invoice status should automatically update to indicate the invoice is included in an Invoice Bundle pending submission.

- Alternatively, if there are several invoices already created needing to be included in the same bundle, you may create add them in bulk by:
- Create a saved list in the Invoices grid
- Select the mass manage tool
- Select the checkboxes for the invoices you wish to include in the bundle
- Click the teal basket button in the upper right corner.
- In the pop-up, select the option to "Add Invoices to Bundle," select the bundle created previously in the next field, and select "Bundle Invoices."
- Create a saved list in the Invoices grid
Method 2:
- Create a saved list in the Invoices grid
- Select the mass manage tool
- Select the checkboxes for the invoices you wish to include in the bundle
- Click the teal basket button in the upper right corner.
- In the pop-up, select the option to "Create Bundle with Invoices," complete the required fields, and select "Bundle Invoices."
Submitting an Invoice Bundle:
- From the Invoice Bundles grid, select the Invoice Bundle needing to be submitted
- Use the workflow button to update the status to "In Progress"
- The status should remain "In Progress" until all invoices to be included in the bundle have been added.
- All invoices in the bundle should remain in the status indicating the invoice is included in an invoice bundle pending submission.
- Once all applicable invoices have been added to the bundle, use the workflow button to submit the invoice bundle.
- This action should cause each of the individual invoices included in the bundle to update to Submitted status.
- This action should cause each of the individual invoices included in the bundle to update to Submitted status.
- Invoice bundles are then reviewed and approved as one consolidated invoice.
- Payments are applied to invoice bundles as a whole. Once the balance of the bundle is $0.00, all invoices included in the bundle will update to Paid status.
- Partial payments to the bundle will not cause individual invoice statuses to update until the final payment is made to the bundle, resulting in a $0.00 balance due.
- Payments are applied to invoice bundles as a whole. Once the balance of the bundle is $0.00, all invoices included in the bundle will update to Paid status.