Customizable OPTIONS Include:
Branding (Company logo/brand widget display)
This is simply the ability to include your company name and logo on the dashboard.
Important Links
The changes to this widget are strictly visual in that we applied color to the actual text rather than the background.
There is no change to the functionality of this widget, it can simply be included or not included for specific permission groups.
Open By Status Pie Chart
The ‘Open by Status’ has more functionality in the type of data that it presents. For example, maybe you need to see open assignments or open invoices on that widget, or you need more than one pie graph widget showing you the summary value for open work orders, assignments, and invoices. *Limit of 1-2 per dashboard.
Next 5 Scheduled Work Orders
There is no change to the functionality of this widget, it can simply be included or not included for specific permission groups.
Scrollable List Widgets
This widget is a quick way to access frequently utilized lists from the dashboard. This is also a scrollable widget that allows you to view multiple rows. The list widget comes complete with a refresh button and a hyperlink icon that will route you to the actual referenced list in Fexa. *Limit of one to two per dashboard.
List Counter Widgets
These are summary counter widgets that display the index count of values based on the criteria for a created list. These summary counter widgets are also clickable hyperlinks that will route you to the actual saved list within Fexa. *Limit of two per dashboard.
FAQs on both the List and List Counter Widgets
Q: Are there limitations to the types and numbers of widgets we can put on a dashboard?
● Pie charts, Lists, and Counts are limited to a total combination of four, no more than two of which should be Lists.
● These are helpful summary widgets that should reference the most important lists on the dashboard and not take the place of every list you have created.
● Dashboards can have anywhere from 1 to 4 columns of widgets (whereas it's always had 2 columns in the past).
Q: Can I configure my own dashboard widgets?
● A future feature will be the ability for you to customize your own dashboards from within the UI. Currently, all changes do require Fexa assistance.
Q: What happens if I delete the list? Will the widget still be on the dashboard?
● No. In order for the widget to display and function properly, it has to reference an existing list that is saved. If you have created a list but haven’t saved it, or delete an existing list that is tied to a list widget, the widget will not display on the dashboard.