There are several calculations in the Provider Performance Snapshot. Please see the calculations below to get an understanding of how the data seen on the Provider Performance Snapshot is calculated.
Letter Grade Calculation
- If the individual KPI Score or the Overall Score >= 90 → A
- If the individual KPI Score or the Overall Score < 90 and >= 80 → B
- If the individual KPI Score or the Overall Score < 80 and >= 70 → C
- If the individual KPI Score or the Overall Score < 70 and >= 60 → D
- If the individual KPI Score or the Overall Score < 60 → F
Overall Score Calculation
Overall Score = Sum of Number of Compliant Assignments for All Metrics ÷ (Sum of Number of Compliant Assignments for All Metrics + Sum of Number of NON-Compliant Assignments for All Metrics)
Note: some metrics may be based on visits, not assignments
Total Assignments Metric
- Calculates the Count all assignments and returns results based on the user-filtered date or range
Recalled Assignments Metric
This metric tracks the total number of assignments that a provider was recalled back to resolve. A recalled assignment is defined as an assignment that has a completed date and enters into the following status types:
- Active
- In Progress
- Incomplete
- Needs Review
- New
- Rejected
Average Paid Invoice Amount Metric
This metric allows users to monitor the average cost per invoice a provider generates.
- Calculates all invoices linked to assignments.
- Considers invoices with an approval date on or after the filtered month(s) that are paid
- Accounts for currency exchange rates in the calculation by expressing totals in the Home Currency of the Fexa site
- Amount shown is the average invoice totals for the specific filters set.
Invoice Amount Paid
- Calculates all invoices linked to assignments.
- Considers invoices with an approval date on or after the filtered date that are paid
- Accounts for currency exchange rates in the calculation by expressing totals in the Home Currency of the Fexa site
- Amount shown is the sum of the invoice totals for the specific filters set
Response Deadline
This metric allows users to monitor providers responsiveness on assignments.
- Calculates all Repair (non-preventative) class assignments that are past their initial response deadline or have already responded.
- Calculates a subset of the above that are in compliance.
- This response date and time should be on or before the set initial response deadline.
- Returns a total Individual KPI Score Calculation and a Letter Grade Calculation based on specific filters set.
Arrival Deadline
This metric tracks the percentage for a provider's assigned work orders for which they arrived on site before the original date and time when the work order was dispatched.
- Separately calculates all Preventative and Repair class assignments that are past their initial arrival deadline or have already checked into a visit.
Calculates a subset of the above that are in compliance
This earliest visit check in time should be on or before the set initial arrival deadline.
Returns a total Individual KPI Score Calculation and a Letter Grade Calculation based on specific filters set.
Excludes the following:
- Assignments whose status types are Rejected, Cancelled, Incomplete, or New
- Assignments whose status name includes the word “Declined”
- Assignments that have not been responded to yet
Completion Deadline
This metric tracks how often providers complete their assigned tasks within agreed deadlines.
- Separately calculates all Preventative and Repair class assignments that are past their completion deadline or have already completed.
Calculates a subset of the above that are in compliance
This completion date and time should be on or before the set completion deadline.
Returns a total Individual KPI Score Calculation and Letter Grade Calculation based on specific filters set.
Exclude the following:
- Assignments that have an associated quote
- Assignments whose status types are Rejected, Cancelled, Incomplete, or New
- Assignments whose status name includes the word “Declined”
- Assignments that have not been responded to yet
Provider Invoice Submission (30 Days)
This metric tracks all provider invoices for services are submitted within 30 days of service completion.
- Get count separately of all Preventative and Repair class assignments that are 30 days past their completion date or have a Subcontractor Invoice with a submitted_date or transaction_date present.
- Calculates a subset of the above that are in compliance
- Each assignment should be linked to a subcontractor invoice which has either either a submitted_date or transaction_date less than 30 days after its completed date.
- Returns a total Individual KPI Score Calculation and Letter Grade Calculation based on specific filters set.
Exclude the following:
- Assignments that have been reopened based on the assignment entering a reopened status (Recalled)
- Assignments whose status types are Rejected, Cancelled, Incomplete, or New
- Assignments whose status name includes the word “Declined”
- Assignments that have not been responded to yet
Visit Check-In
This metric tracks the percentage of visits on repair work orders by providers the visit is checked into by the scheduled time.
- Separately calculates all Visits of all Preventative and Repair class assignments that are past their start date or have already been checked in
Calculates a subset of the above that are in compliance
This visit check in time should be on or before the visits start date (time)
Return a total Individual KPI Score Calculation and a Letter Grade Calculation based on specific filters set.
Exclude the following:
- Visits whose assignment’s status types are Rejected, Cancelled, Incomplete, or New
- Visits whose assignments’s status name includes the word “Declined”
- Visits whose assignment has not been responded to yet
First Time Completion
This metric tracks the percentage of repair assignments that are resolved on the first visit (only one total check-in and check-out)
- Separately calculates all Repair (non-preventative) class assignments that have a completed or checked out visit
- Calculates a subset of the above that are in compliance
- The assignment should have exactly one visit matching the above criteria, and that visit should have a Complete type status
- Returns a total Individual KPI Score Calculation and a Letter Grade Calculation
Exclude the following:
- Assignments that have an associated quote
- Assignments whose status types are Rejected, Cancelled, Incomplete, or New
- Assignments whose status name includes the word “Declined”
- Assignments that have not been responded to yet