Survey Distribution & Assignment
Users can send surveys manually or automatically. This module offers flexibility in sending surveys to respondents, whether individuals or teams, who are responsible for completing them.
Manually Sending Surveys
- To manually send a Survey, navigate to the survey that needs to be sent. From the Survey Details screen, click on the airplane logo on the right hand side of the screen.
- Choose the record that needs to be surveyed
- Choose the recipient that needs to answer the survey (type an explicit email or choose a related email). Select the ADD button on the recipient you've selected.
Note: only one recipient can be added when manually sending a survey. - Select Send.
After sending that, the recipient will receive an email that looks something like this:
Once the email has been opened, there will be a link to complete a survey. Once the link has been clicked, this will take the user to the survey questionnaire that will look something like this:
Scheduling Surveys
Use schedules if the surveys should send for something specific at a particular time in its life.
(Ex: Users want to schedule it every other Wednesday to check the status of their equipment via survey. The Survey will be sent out every Other Wednesday to the recipients that are involved said survey.)
- To schedule a survey, click the Survey Scheduling tab from within the Survey Template. Click on the plus sign in the top right-hand corner or the screen.
- A pop-up will appear to fill out the schedule
- Choose the schedule the survey will be sent on and the recipient that should receive the survey on this schedule. Select the ADD button on the recipient you've selected. If you do not see a specific schedule desired, one will need to be created first.
After adding a schedule, criteria should be added to that schedule. Without criteria, this survey will just fire off every Wednesday to the recipient for every Asset. Think of this like a report - without any filters or criteria, this report would essentially send every piece of data for every asset, which typically isn't desired.
1. The Toggle button to activate the Survey Schedule)
2. The save button to make sure everything is all set)
Adding Criteria to a Schedule within a Survey
To add criteria to a schedule, double-click the schedule to add criteria. Click the "Criteria" button and add the conditions.
(This Filter is set up to send surveys if the work-order is assigned within District 1) -
To make this schedule active after creation, navigate back to the Survey Details tab within the survey template and set the active toggle to true. Click the save button after making any changes.
1. The Active toggle to activate the Survey Schedule.
2. The save button to save the template after changes are made.
The following can also be updated within an individual schedule:
- Schedule Description
- Communication Schedule
- Schedule time
- Time Zone
- Recipients
- Schedule Criteria
Survey Events
(Note: Users need proper permission to create definition and may need to reach out to support for assistance when setting up.)
A Survey Event triggers similar to a communication rule. When a certain set of definitions are met on an event, this will cause a notification to be sent out. In this case, that notification is a survey.
(Ex: the definitions on the event could be a store being set to active or a work order moving into a specific status)
On the Survey Events grid, click on the "+" sign on the right-hand side of the page.
- On the create survey event tab, fill out the information needed. Toggle the Active button to make sure it will send after creating the event.
The 'Only Send One Time' toggle means this event will only be triggered once per record.
- Example: if an event is set up to send once when an assignment moves into the Completed status, the survey will only be sent the first time this moves to completed and not again. If the event is set up to send multiple times, the survey will send when the assignment moves to completed and every time the assignment is saved or changed while in the Completed status
- Using the example above: If min. day apart is set and the 'Only Send One Time' toggle is set to False, the event will be triggered once when the assignment moves to completed, and then it will send again after however many days are set. This will only happen if the event definitions are still met (so in this case, as long as the assignment is still in the Completed status).
The 'Only Send One Time' toggle means this event will only be triggered once per record.
After creating and adding all the details needed press the create even on the bottom right. The newly created survey event will be seen the grid. In order for the event to be triggered, it will need definitions added. To add these definitions, click on the hamburger menu and then click the 'Manage Definitions' option.
- On the Event Definitions tab, click plus sign (+) to add the definition(s) to be met for this survey to send
Fill out all the information needed then click the "submit" button to confirm everything that has been inputted to be saved. This survey event will send out a survey every time a work order moves into the status called 'Complete')