Click on the hyperlink in the notification email and skip to Step Six OR access the company site from a computer or mobile device by going to
Click on WORK ORDER in the top left menu on your dashboard.
To sort Status in ascending order; hover your arrow over the Status column and an arrow will appear.
Click on the arrow and a menu will appear, click on Sort Ascending and all Work Orders that need to be accepted or declined will appear grouped at the top of the listing.
Double-click the Work Order you need to accept, and it will open in a new tab.
Scroll to the middle of the page and under Service Assignments click on the Workflow button.
Click on accept and the Work Order status will automatically change.
Once the Work Order is accepted you will need to add the onsite visit date. Scroll down to Visits and click the + sign on the righthand side of the screen.
A popup automatically loaded depending on the clients SLA requirements, will appear. Visit Date can be changed to confirm the correct visit date, and additional detailed notes on the upcoming visit can be added under Scope.
Click on save and the Work Order status will automatically change.