Fexa helps you to manage vendor compliance based on your specific requirements. We house insurance policies and can send out automatic notifications prior to expiration to ensure your providers have adequate time to update their policies. We assign statuses to providers based on the requirements which gives you control over dispatching work to anyone who does not meet the compliance requirements.
To view all of the providers (active or inactive) on your site, select Vendors from the menu.
To view a provider, double-click on any of the records.
Vendor Workflow:
Fexa sets up a Vendor Workflow, example below, that will automatically move providers into the correct status based on meeting or not meeting the compliance requirements.
Certain users will also have the ability to Deactivate or Activate a Vendor via the workflow button.
Inactive Providers: You cannot assign (manually or automatically) an Inactive Provider to an Assignment or Programs. For existing Programs that have an inactive provider, it will not create that assignment.
To view a provider's compliance, check the Compliant column. It will simply say Yes or No.
Under Vendors, you will find a list of Insurance Policies.
To add a new policy, select the + in the top right hand corner.
Select a Policy Type, the Insured (Provider), the Policy Number, and the Effective/Expiration Dates.
Select SAVE.
When a policy expires, the policy will be flagged.
To update a policy, double-click on it and enter the new information.
The Vendor's workflow will be in an "EXPIRED (NOT COMPLIANT)" status. Depending on your sites settings, you may not be able to use the provider until they are compliant.
From this point, you can create a list of your Non-Compliance providers for ease of management. Providers can either update their insurance policy information or send that over to you to add back into Fexa. Once the policy is updated with the new dates and saved, the automatic workflow will move them back to an Active.