As one of Fexa’s main goals is to optimize vendor management - we are constantly creating new ways to increase productivity. A new function has been added allowing users to mark any Vendor or Vendor employee as DO NOT USE for a particular Facility or Client.
Note: This new capability is only for Vendors or Vendor employees, not internal employees.
1) In order to create a DO NOT USE Vendor or vendor employee, first go to the vendor’s record via the vendor tab from the navigation menu.
2) After selecting the desired vendor, on their main record, click on the Vendor Do Not Use tab.
2) After selecting the desired vendor, on their main record, click on the Vendor Do Not Use tab.

3) Click the plus sign (+) at the top right of the screen. On the pop-up, select the vendor company or one of the assignable vendor employees from the Vendor dropdown. Then select either a Client or a Facility in the provided fields. (If you fill in both, it will pop up an error message.)

4) After saving, you will see the selected vendor/employee added to the Vendor Do Not Use Screen.
Note: When choosing to mark the Vendor as Do Not Use, this does not automatically mark the vendor employees as Do Not Use. You will need to mark them individually to add them to the list. Vendor companies or assignable vendor users can be removed from the Do Not Use list at any time.
This comes into play when creating an assignment for a work order and selecting a vendor on the Do Not Use list. When you choose one of these vendors as your provider for the assignment and select save, an error window will pop up stating “The Selected Vendor has been marked as Do Not Use and cannot be given this assignment.”

When you select the provider dropdown and scroll down the list, any Vendor or employee on the Do Not Use list, will have a red sticker next to the name saying Do Not Use.

This is also reportable. You can select the Do Not Use Role Data Source with appropriate columns such as Do Not Use Role Client, Do Not Use Role Created At and Do Not Use Role Facility, for example: