Preventative Maintenance Programs in Fexa allow users to schedule work for any trade. These programs will automatically generate based on the criteria set and will create work orders for each active store on the program. There are various customizations available on the set up for these programs. Review the related PM articles to understand these customizations and create or make changes to Programs.
Note: On the Preventative Maintenance grid, inactive programs will be hidden by default. If the inactive programs need to be shown at any time, use the toggle in the top right-hand corner of the grid to see these. This toggle will only be seen on the main grid, and cannot be see when in a Preventative Maintenance list.
The same applies to the Store grid within the programs. Inactive stores on program are hidden by default and can be unhidden using the toggle in the top right-hand corner of the Store tab within the programs.
Program Creation
To create new programs or to view existing programs, select the Preventative Maintenance tab.
This grid can be adjusted like any other.
To create a new Program, select the + in the top right-hand corner. Fill out all required information.
Give the Program a name.
Activate the Program with the active toggle.
Select the Client.
Add a Start Date (and End Date if necessary).
NOTE: The Start Date is the earliest date work can be scheduled by a Program, but work is not always scheduled on the Start Date itself. For more information about this, read the section about Schedules a few paragraphs below.
The End date is the latest date work can be scheduled by a Program, but work is not always scheduled on the End Date itself. For more information about this, read the section about Schedules a few paragraphs below.
Add a Program Description.
There are two options for schedule type: Period and Schedule
Period will create work orders in accordance to when the last program work order of that kind was completed. As an example, you may choose that you don't want the next program work order to be created until 45 days after the previous work order for that store was completed. This prevents services from being performed too closely together.
- If you select a Schedule Type of Period, you will then fill out the number of days in the Periodicity (Days) field. This will again be the number of days in between the last completed work order and when the new work order will be created.
Schedule will create work orders on a given schedule, regardless of when the last work order for that store was completed. As an example, you may choose to create work orders on a monthly basis.
- If you select a Schedule Type of Schedule, you will then choose a Work Order Schedule from the drop down box. (Note: If you desire to choose a schedule that is not listed, you can create a custom schedule. Please reference the article that shows how to create a Schedule).
You can have the Visits created automatically. Or you can choose "Never" so the vendor/tech has to create visits manually. If you choose for visits to create automatically "On Schedule", you must then fill out the Visit Schedule, Create Visits Days In Advance and
Next, fill out the Generated Work Order information.
You must, at least, fill out the Category, Work Order Class, and Work Order Priority.
Click Save in the top right-hand corner.
NOTE: Every Schedule is a series of dates. Schedules can be setup to repeat endlessly, or they can be setup with very specific dates following any pattern. It's important to know the schedule you are using when scheduling a Program. Your scheduled Programs will only dispatch work for days that are on their schedule. As an example, you might have a Schedule called 'The First Day of Every Month', which would run on January 1st, February 1st, March 1st, etc. If your program has a start date of January 15th, then it will schedule its first work on February 1st (because that is the first day on its Schedule to happen after its Start Date). If you supply an End Date for your program this works the same way. This could be especially confusing if you have a complicated schedule that doesn't start yet ("Every Monday in The Year 2030"), because if I schedule a Program using this schedule it will not create any work until that year!
Within the Program
Double-click on the Program to open it.
From here, you can view the Details on the first tab.
To Add Stores
Click on the "Stores" tab and select the + sign in the top right-hand corner.
You can add filters to narrow down the stores you want.
Check the stores you want to add, then select "Add Stores".
Once a store is created, double-clicking on the store will allow you to update it. You can also open up more than one store at a time.
There are toggles to Generate Vendor/Client Invoices and to allow only Single Line Items.
You can assign a provider to the work order for that store, add an asset, an assignment/client NTE, and more.
Be sure to click the Save icon once you are done.
To View Program Work Orders
Click on the Work Orders tab. You should see the programs that have already run.
If you ever need to generate work orders manually, click on the + sign in the top right-hand corner.
Select the date for these work orders to run.
Then select Generate Work Order.
Activity Stream on Programs
Users often want to see what updates have been made on a program, by whom, and when they were made. With the proper permissions, users can see a program's activity stream by navigating to the program and clicking on the Activity Stream tab from within the program.