Integration Logs allow you to view and manage integration requests directly in Fexa. You must have Admin permissions and the Internal Logs permission to view this menu.
Log Statuses
- Pending - Transaction is in progress and has not yet reached an endpoint.
- Succeeded - Transaction has been successful.
- Failed - Transaction failed, human interaction may be required. Depending on the error, view and “Replay”; Fexa will send an email to your designated address when these occur so that you are notified immediately.
- Abandoned - End point after maximum retries have been performed, human interaction required to view and “Replay”. System will not retry automatically.
- Ignored - This type of request is configured to be ignored by the site.
Common Failed Reasons
- Unable to find the Facility/Client/Vendor (example shown below)
- Duplicate Facility/Client/Vendor
- Inactive Facility/Client/Vendor
- Invalid email for the Facility/Client/Vendor
- Negative invoice line items
- No invoice line items
Filtering the Logs
Step 1: To get to the Logs, click on Administration>Integrations>Logs.

Step 2: Click on Create List under the logs to add filters to this grid.

Step 3: There are a number of different filters. For example, you can search for a specific request ID by entering the Integration Request ID. Then select Filter. (NOTE: This request ID will be shown in the email from Fexa when there are failures requiring your attention).

Replaying Integration Requests
In certain cases, an email will be sent when there is a log that has Failed. The email will look similar to the one below. For example, when a work order comes in from Service Channel and the system fails to find a location match in Fexa. Replaying requests is only available for certain scenarios.

NOTE: This email is sent to whatever integration email we have in a site setting for your site. If this needs to be changed, please reach out to the Helpdesk.
From the emails, the Details section at the bottom of the email will explain what the reason for a failed log was. In the email above, the details say that the work order failed to create because the Store ID from Service Channel was not found in Fexa. This means that either the store in Fexa is inactive or that it does not exist in Fexa.

To resolve this specific request, the Store should be created or activated. Once that is completed, you will want to replay the request.
Step 1: To search for the request, find the Integration Request ID from the top of the email. Copy this ID and filter the integration logs for it. This process is described above.

Step 2: Once you find the request, click on the REPLAY button to activate the integration. This will push the work order to Fexa as long as the appropriate updates were made and saved to the data referenced (in this example, the location).

NOTE: If you expand the request using the drop down arrow on the left of the request row, you will see the same details from the email in the Metadata at the bottom of the request.

Recommended Usage
- Create a list using the “Replayable” field and set to Yes to view all items that require human interaction.