To view or add notes on a work order, click on any work order and select the Notes tab.
Add a Note in the Blank field on the left side. On the right side the Visibility drop-down is used to select who can view the note. Any site may have a setting to default visibility to All or one of the other three options.
If An Action is needed on the work order, choose the Action Required toggle to be true.
The External Note toggle will only appear to those with associated integrations.
Adding a note will apply it to the work order and anyone who looks at the notes section will see it under the notes section. If the note should be shared immediately with someone specific, you should add an email to the note to ensure the specific someone receives the note!
There is a drop-down for email sources, which provides the Nature of the Relationship for the recipient and narrows down the actual list of possible selectable email addresses.
These email sources include Assignment Providers, Assigned Vendors Extra Contacts, Client, Client Extra Contacts, Department, Division, Internal Employees, Store, Store District Managers, Store Regional Managers, and Store Managers. (The language for the email sources can be updated to better suit individual sites).
These are also permission driven, and the email source will only be visible to those who have permission to view the related objects.
Any Note added to a Work Order can be viewed below and if the note was emailed, an email address will appear under Emailed To.
Once a note has been added, the visibility can be updated using the hamburger menu next to the note.
The visibility can be updated to All, Internal, Store or Vendor. If you wish to have this note externally visible, select the check box next to "External Note".
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