Custom Fields are unique to Fexa and are used to add additional fields on Store Details, Work Orders, Assignments, Invoices/Proposals, Projects, Clients, Vendors, and Warehouses. This allows you to report on custom information that is housed in those fields.
Custom fields are useable in definition checks, meaning you can have workflows or communication rules trigger based on custom field criteria!
To create Custom Fields, you must be in the Admin permission group.
First click on Administration.
Click "Custom Fields".
Once the Custom Fields page appears, click on the + in the top right-hand corner.
From the drop down, select one of the Subjects. The Subject will determine where your Custom Field appears.
Next, type in the Label you want. The Label will be the name of the field.
Use the drop down to select a Type.
The "textfield" will give you a one-line field to enter information.
The "numberfield" would be used for entering numbers (i.e. phone number, store number, etc.)
The "textareafield" is similar to the "textfield" but offers multiple lines versus just one.
The "checkboxfield" will give you a box to check.
The "togglefield" gives you a toggle to turn on or off.
The "datefield" option allows you to enter a date.
The "selectfield" option will allow you to type in options to select. You can type however many options you would like to be able to select from. Drag and drop using the hamburger to reorder your options.
The Position will determine what order your custom fields come in. If you have multiple Custom Fields for Work Orders (or any of the other options), decide what position you want the new one to be in and type in the sequential number.
Use the Active toggle to turn this Custom Field on or off.
If you want the Custom Field you are creating to be required, use the Required toggle to activate.
Click SAVE once you have completed all of the previous steps.
To check your work, go to whichever subject you chose. In the example used above, the "Follow Up Task?" will be on the Work Order Creation screen and on the actual work orders.