A new way to add identical notes to multiple work orders has been created. When inside a work order list, and when utilizing the Mass Manage feature, a new icon will be revealed between the add and edit symbols.

After clicking on the Mass Manage Hand symbol, the steps are the same as previous Mass Manage functionality. Simply choose the work orders to include by checking the appropriate boxes. Next, choose the new Icon for adding notes, which is the colored in piece of paper.

Many of the same options exist as adding any note to a work order.
There is an option for Visibility (choosing who the note is visible to (ALL, Internal, Store & Vendor). There are two toggles for “External Note” and “Action Required?” In addition is the option to choose an email source from the “Email Sources” drop down to assist in narrowing down an email address search (mentioned above). You will also see the Add Email field.
There is an option for Visibility (choosing who the note is visible to (ALL, Internal, Store & Vendor). There are two toggles for “External Note” and “Action Required?” In addition is the option to choose an email source from the “Email Sources” drop down to assist in narrowing down an email address search (mentioned above). You will also see the Add Email field.

Once the desired note has been added and fields selected, choose the submit button “Mass Add Notes.” Once this is completed, there will be a note at the top of the grid stating “You have successfully created multiple notes.”

Opening the work orders and viewing the Notes tab will reveal all added notes and who received them.