The Projected Cost on Projects will automatically update when the Assignment NTE on any of the associated work order’s assignments is changed.
Looking at the tasks for a project, Users can open the work order by clicking on the associated links. From the tasks grid, users can also view the projected cost for each of the tasks.
Once a work order is opened, the user can update the desired assignment NTE.
Users can navigate back to the project by clicking on the Project link on the Work Order overview page.
The newly updated projected cost will show on the Project tasks grid.
The updated assignment NTE reflects in both the work order and the assignment tasks. If a new assignment is added to the work order, users will see that projected cost update to reflect that assignment NTE as well.
Users will also see the newly updated Total Projected Cost Widget on the Project Overview Page.
This feature is not retro-active and will only apply to all NEWLY created projects and connected tasks.