Note Types can be found in the navigational menu under the Administration and then Selectables tabs. When clicking on note types a new grid will open showing columns for ID, Name, Description, Subject and Active. The Subject column represents the type of Object the Note can be associated with such as Project Note, Work order Note, Subcontractor Role Note and so on.
Existing Note Types can be edited by double clicking on the row, and new Note Types can be added by clicking the plus sign in the upper righthand corner. Note Types are also importable.
When users navigate to a Work order note, for example, they will see Note type now has a field with a drop-down above the Add Note button. The dropdown will populate any created note types for the associated subject such as Work order Note. This is the same when navigating to a Project Note or a Subcontrator Role Note.
Note Types are reportable and can be used in definition checks. In reporting, note types allow for the user to view which note types were used.
There is a site setting which allows for specification of which note types will be the default for each Subject association.
There is a resource permission for Note Types. In order for users to see the Note types in the grid, they will need to be able to READ Note Types. They will then need permission to update and create in order to perform those note types tasks. Users who have Read permission only for Note Types, they will see the grid, but when they click to update or add, nothing will happen.
Note types can be created and edited through the API as well.