Severities in Fexa allow our customers to set the severity on Priorities. This will set the color for the priority once a severity is selected on said priority. This will display the color on the work order and assignments grid for a quick look at the work order severity.
To add Severities, Go to Administration > Selectables > Severities. On the Severities click the "+" button to add a new Severity.
On the side menu of creating a new Severity, there are 3 things that need to be filled out.
- Name - Name of the Severity
- Ordinal - the Number of Severity
- Color - the color it represents. This can be either be plain text, like 'red', or the code of the color, like '#ff595e' for the color red.
The newly created severity will be seen on the grid.
(Updating existing severities is possible, just double-click the severity that needs to be updated and the side menu will pop-up)