Managing Region/District Users Module:
- How to Add Region Manually
- How to Add a District Manually
- How to Add a District or Regional Manager User
- How to Update Districts and Regions on Stores via Import
- How to Update Districts/Regions via Import
Regions: A way to track locations by a larger grouping. Regions are the top level, the flow is Regions → Districts → Locations. Regions can have Regional Manager users created and assigned to them. Regional Managers will have their own set of permissions. Regions can be managed on the location record or via import.
District: A way to group locations as a subset of regions. Districts are dependent on Regions. If you will use a District you must have a Region first. Districts can have District Manager users created and assigned to them. District Managers will have their own set of permissions. Store districts can be managed on the location record, in the District stores section, or via import. Districts can only belong to 1 Region.
Rules to Regions and Districts
- There cannot be more than 1 Regional Manager assigned to a Region .
- There can be more than 1 District Manager assigned to a District.
- A given district must belong to a region, and can only belong to one region.
- A given location can belong to multiple districts.
How to Add Region Manually
- Go to Administration click Selectable then Region.
- On the Top Right Sided of the Screen Click the "+" icon to create a new Region
- Fill out the Name and Identifier then Choose on the drop down of the Owner and Region Manager.
(Don't forget to add the user on the Client User!) - After filling out everything click save
How to Add a District Manually
Note: Region must be added before District
- Open the District that needs to be added. Then click the "+" sign on the right hand side of the screen.
- Once the Add Stores pop-out is open, click the left check box to add the stores to the District then click save.
How to Add a District or Regional Manager User
- Open either the District or Regional on the navigation bar. Then choose the district/region from the grid. (District would be used for this example)
- After choosing the district, on the District Manager tab, click the drop the down and choose the District Manager to be assigned, then click Save.
- After choosing the district manager, go to the user tab and click the "+" sign to add the users.
Fill in the correct details for the user then click save!
Once the user appears in the grid, refresh your webpage and follow the instructions beginning at step 1 to assign the user(s).
How to Update Districts and Regions on Stores via Import
- First click the Import on the navigation bar then click the "+" icon on the right hand sided of the screen.
- Then on the Import Type drop down choose either District or Region.
Once the template is filled out with update, click the browse button and select the file then Upload.
- Sample of the downloaded template (All the data are required are seen on the mapping information to successfully import)
- After uploading the import file, double check if the Text on the left are the same on the text on the right, then click Save Mapping.
- Sample of the downloaded template (All the data are required are seen on the mapping information to successfully import)
After saving, on the import grid click the refresh icon on the right hand sided of the screen, to show the recently added imports. (click the hamburger icon on the right side, to download either the original import or failed rows)
How to Update manually
- Go to the Facilities or use the search bar. (Search for the Facility Name)
- Based on the Region selected, district under that Region would appear in the district dropdown.
- After changing click the save icon on the right hand side of the screen.
How to Update Existing Districts and Regions on Stores via Import
Note: You need to first pull a store report.
- First open the Reports tab on the Navigation bar.
- On the right hand side of the screen click the "+" to create a new report.
- Add the data Source "Stores" then add the Region and District on the Linked data Sources.
On the Columns tab, add the following columns, "Store ID, Store Name, Region ID, Region Name,
District ID and District Name. (This will show all the Stores that are related to their assigned Region/District) if no column data is added, it will show all the data.
- On the Data set, select the "Full Data" then click "Run" on the bottom part.
After running, on the top right hand of the screen beside the save button, click the icon beside it to download the report to excel.
After downloading the excel file, go to the Imports tab on the Navigation Bar.
Select the "+" button on the top right hand side of the screen to create a new import. - On the Import Type drop down click the Store, then download the Import Template.
(See the template below) - On the Import Template, fill out the all the data that needs to be updated and added.
(Import Columns are: Store ID, District ID, District Name, Region Name and Region Owner)
Note: Delete any columns that are not being updated from the import before importing back to Fexa
Tips & Tricks:
- If you are looking to update a large amount of location’s Districts and Regions, use a Store import
- If you are looking to update a large amount of District Manager or Regional Managers that belong to a District or Region, use a District or Region import
- If you have a few records to update, update them manually, do not use an import
- In general, regional and district alignment follows store operations alignments for visibility.
- If a facility team’s labor is divided by locations, a creative use of districts involves putting locations in its traditional/operations district and creating a separate alignment based on facility department responsibilities.
If a District Manager is out and needs their locations covered, best practice is to temporarily assign another District Manager to the District while they are out. You are able to assign more than 1 District Manager to a District.
- Each district manager user may be assigned to more than one district at a time, resulting in them having visibility to all of their own normal locations, as well as the locations of the newly assigned district.
When the other user returns, simply remove the temporarily assigned user from the district.
- Suggestions for tracking dates around temporary personnel changes include setting calendar reminders, scheduling delayed reminder messages, or even creating a work order within the Fexa site with a schedule date representing when the changes should be reverted.