Work Order Classes can be created by import or under Selectables>Workorder Class.
Creating via Selectables>Workorder Class
Step 1) Navigate to the tabs Administration>Selectables>Workorder Class.
Step 2) Click on the plus sign (+) in the top right-hand side of the grid.
Step 3) Fill out the Class Name and description (optional). Then press save.
Downloading the Import Spreadsheet
Step 1) Navigate to the Imports grid.
Step 2) Select the plus sign (+) in the top right hand corner.
Step 3) Select the Workorder Class Import Type.
Step 4) Download the import template into a spreadsheet.
Mapping Information:
Class Name, Class Description, and the Active columns are required. So, fill out those columns with the desired Class information:
Importing the Spreadsheet
Step 1) After filling in the above import template spreadsheet and saving, navigate back to your import creation screen from the above steps.
Step 2) Select Browse. Find your spreadsheet and select it.
Step 3) Select Upload.
Step 4) Review the Mappings before importing. Make sure all of the columns on the left match a column on the right:
Step 5) Select Save Mappings.
Note: For all imports, ONLY use the ID column if you are updating existing data in Fexa.